All posts

Date Game Title Link
26/07/20 Washington's War The war from the armchair
13/08/20 Bomber Command The battle of Magdeburg
04/09/20 Twilight Struggle The Central American crisis
29/09/20 Hellenes The Archidamian War (1/2)
02/10/20 Hellenes The Archidamian War (2/2)
28/10/20 Commands & Colors: Ancients The battle of Akragas
06/12/20 Space Empires Space marauders
12/12/20 Dungeon Lords Broken tirannies
31/12/20 Commands & Colors: Ancients The vengeance of Akragas
01/01/21 Commands & Colors: Ancients The massacre on the Crimissos
18/01/21 Commands & Colors: Ancients Ticino of blood
22/02/21 Space Empires On the outskirts of the Ancient Empire (1/2)
28/02/21 Space Empires On the outskirts of the Ancient Empure (2/2)
12/03/21 Root Progress and honour
31/03/21 Space Empires The perils of deep space (1/2)
07/04/21 Kingdom of Heaven Syphilitics and Shia: The First Crusade
14/04/21 Space Empires The perils of deep space (2/2)
21/04/21 Kingdom of Heaven Antioch and other misfortunes: the Second Crusade
28/04/21 Root The voice of the master
19/05/21 Brief Border Wars The Football War: the battle of Nacaome
26/05/21 Brief Border Wars The Second Lebanon War: hunting the rocket launcher
02/06/21 XCOM Enemy of old
07/07/21 Blackbeard Syphilis strikes back
04/08/21 Hannibal Affinities-differences between Senator Cato and us
17/08/21 Nightfighter A blaze in the english skies
25/11/21 No Motherland Without Soviets plus electricity
13/12/21 Blackbeard Mungo Herdman beards piracy
14/06/22 The Battles for Ypres The Siege of Geluvelt
25/07/23 Brotherhood & Unity The Sarajevo Pocket
09/10/23 The Mission On the Copts and their natural tendency towards heresy (1/6)
16/10/23 The Mission On the Copts and their natural tendency towards heresy (2/6)
23/10/23 The Mission On the Copts and their natural tendency towards heresy (3/6)
30/10/23 The Mission On the Copts and their natural tendency towards heresy (4/6)
06/11/23 The Mission On the Copts and their natural tendency towards heresy (5/6)
10/06/24 Cthulhu Wars The Cuban exodus, the escape from the Moon and the collapse of reality


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