
Showing posts with the label Root

Root. The voice of the master

Marquise de Cat: Chiara Morelli Revolutionary Forest Militancy: Alex Isabelle Vagabond raccoon: Andrea Benassi Eyrie Dynasties: Laura Beltrami The liberation of the wood of Root. A bedtime story for young and old. It was April 25th in the woods of Root. Like so many things that proliferate in the spring, the capitalist machine of the Marquise de Cat had also expanded throughout the territory, after having wrested power from the ancient aristocracy of birds that ruled the forest for centuries. But while the cats were preparing the gentrification of the forest, watchful eyes gazed upon them. A multitude of quick and sparkling looks, with equally brilliant ideals, wondered when the time would finally come for the people to rise up. At the same time, very different eyes, rapaciious and warring, contemptuous of the worldly openness to trade that characterized these conquering bourgeois, meditated in the shadows, eager to restore the ancient splendor and promulgate the edicts with which, in ...

Root. Progress and honour

Marquise de Cat: Laura Beltrami Eyrie Dynasties: Alex Isabelle There is a bad air in the forest of Root. The Marquise de Cat has arrived in great force, with her cat army. She has occupied the forest to begin with, and has then launched a forced industrialization plan that involves building a large number of sawmills and workshops in which to put to work the rabbits, mice, foxes and birds that populate the forest. At the same time, however, she too plans to produce training centers where she can recruit the best of these among her ranks: the occupation of Root does not, in fact, look like an easy game. In a clearing on the opposite side from the one where the cats have placed their operations center, seeing opportunities in this period of turmoil, a military dispatch led by a woodpecker has arrived. The latter is an exponent of the Eyrie Dynasties, a group of aristocratic avian families who once controlled the forest; after seeing their authority gradually fade, they see this as an opp...