
Blackbeard. Mungo Herdman beards piracy

Charles Vane, Stede Bonnet, William Kidd, Henry Avery: Alex Isabelle Ravanau de Lusan, John Rackham, Howell Davis, Samuel Bellamy: Laura Beltrami Emmanuel Wynne, Edward England, George Lowther, John Quelch, Edward Teach: Luca Orlandini Francis Spriggs, Bartholomew Roberts, John Taylor, Thomas Tew: Andrea Benassi It is Howell Davis who kicks off the Golden Age of Piracy. We are in the late seventeenth century and we are in seas still marked by the struggles between the European states and their colonies, populated by hundreds of mavericks ready to get rich at any cost. Seas crossed by merchant ships loaded with spices, slaves and other amenities of the modern era. Davis, a Welsh pirate of great skill and charisma, finds himself with his crew of criminals off the coast of present-day Panama, looking for this kind of ships. After weeks of searching he decides to attack a freighter loaded with silver from Portobello and bound for Spain. The news is sufficiently destabilizing to activate th...

No Motherland Without. Soviets plus electricity

  North Korean: Laura Beltrami Western: Alex Isabelle August 1945 World War II will be over in a few days. Global attention is focused on the incredible moments that accompany the difficult transition to peace. While Europe is divided among the allied forces, Japan, which still refuses to surrender, is hit by the bombing of Hiroshima. Two days later the USSR reopens confrontations in Manchuria, trying to occupy as much Asian territory as possible before the inevitable end of the conflict. The next day Nagasaki is hit. Japan quickly sets out to surrender, while its troops are pushed back from all occupied and colonial territories. Even if on August 15th the Emperor officially announces the surrender, the occupation of the Japanese territories by the Allies continues for a couple of weeks. Among the liberated territories there is also Korea, in the middle of which the Russian and American troops meet, approximately at the latitude of the 38th parallel. The former Japanese colony, con...

Nightfigther. A blaze in the english skies

  English (player): Laura Beltrami German (umpire): Alex Isabelle East Sussex. Late September, 1940. Night A lone fighter, a Hurricane Mk 1, patrols the skies of southern England. The Battle of Britain is now over: the fight for air supremacy in the English skies has led to a clear victory for the RAF. Since several days the German raids on London have decreased in number and intensity and the Axis air force is being redirected to other uses. Though, it is not yet the moment to let the guard down. A German blitz could strike at any moment, theoretically even at night. And so entire teams of Hurricane planes, designed for daytime use, so devoid of instrumentation for nightfighting that they are almost useless for this purpose, are sent on long and desolating explorations of the English skies. A random view. Scattered over a large territory, these teams travel without radar, without ground guidance, in skies illuminated only by moonlight, trying to see any passing enemy aircraft with...

Hannibal. Affinities-differences between Senator Cato and us

Carthaginian: Alex Isabelle Roman: Laura Beltrami What will be remembered as one of the most particular Hannibal games I've ever played opens with a tired advance from Hannibal. While the citizens of Massalia, loyal to Rome, broaden their control over the neighboring territories, the Insubrians and the Boii of Gallia Cisalpinia do the same, involving in their league the Taurini, who inhabit the more western lands of the Po Valley. The state in which Laura was at the end of the review of the rules. Scenario: Livorno-Olbia ferry. This is obviously a problem for the Romans, because it risks offering the Carthaginians considerable tactical support. Hannibal, in fact, begins at this point to march towards Cisalpinia. The Roman consuls, who in this phase are Tiberius Sempronius Longus and Publius Cornelius Scipio, father of the homonymous Scipio whom real history will remember as Africanus, "the African", are nevertheless men of thought rather than fatigue. They do not immediat...